
I felt like I was drowning when Godric and Griffin volunteered to lead the two search parties. Panic sank deep inside my chest and strangled my heart, making it hard to breathe or even think about anything else other than their safety. The idea of them going away and towards a possible threat was horrifying.

That’s when I started to realize what was happening here. I was falling for the Alpha triplets.

Gabriel stayed in his office to get some work done while Godric, Griffin, and I went upstairs and spent some time together in the living room. It was like I couldn’t get enough of either one of them. I curled up against Godric’s chest and stretched out across Griffin while we all sat on the sofa. The TV was on but no one was paying attention to it. Godric was running his fingers through my hair and Griffin was running his hands up and down my legs.

“We love you so much, precious.” Godric said, leaning down to nuzzle my neck and pepper my skin with kisses.

“I can’t let you leave,” I began and Godric cut me off,

“We’re going to be okay, precious.”

“We’ll be just fine.” Griffin added on, scooching over to sit closer to me. I sat up, between the two brothers, and faced them both.

“Would you let me finish?” I snapped and they smirked at me,

“Go on, angel.” Griffin chuckled.

“I cannot let you leave without telling you both something.”

“What’s that?” Godric asked, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“That I love you, Godric,” I said and then turned towards Griffin, “And that I love you, Griffin.”

The next thing I knew I was being crushed to their chest, arms and legs and lips all around me in a blur of skin to the point where I didn’t know what belonged to who. I giggled at their affection and wiggled away so I could see their faces.

“We have waited our entire lives to hear that, mate.” Godric’s eyes were black.

“You couldn’t have possibly made us any happier.” Griffin pulled my face towards his and kissed me openly on the mouth.

“I need to tell….” I started to say something but the door swung open and Gabriel stormed in. He picked me up and I squealed, automatically wrapping my legs around his waist.

“The next word out of your mouth better be my name.” He growled and I giggled, kissing him quickly on his pouty lips.

“And I love you, Gabriel.” He growled and responded with an even deeper kiss of his own.

He put me down and I was scooped up by the other two brothers and put back on the couch. Now I was surrounded by all three of them.

“How did you even know?” I laughed at Gabriel.

“I felt their happiness and knew it could only be from one thing.” Gabriel replied.

We stayed together through lunch and then it was time for Godric and Griffin to leave. Gabriel and I followed them out of the packhouse to greet the three dozen warriors who would be going with them. There were several cars waiting in the driveway for them. Some of the men who were going to the nearby camp would travel in their wolf form, but it was too far to the Maryland campsite for them to reasonably travel in wolf form. Or at least, that’s what I was told.

Griffin addressed his team and then Godric talked to his men. Gabriel commanded over both of them,

“The pack’s heart and strength goes with you as you go forward on these missions. May the Moon Goddess shine her protective light down on you all. We want you all to go knowing that you have the blessing and gratitude of not only the entire pack and your three Alphas, but also your Luna.” Gabriel gestured for me to step forward and I did, blushing as I smiled at the warriors.

They all cheered and then bowed their heads towards me.

“Stay safe.” I said, feeling like it was a bit of a lame response to their sacrifice.

But, the warriors didn’t seem to think so. They put their hands over their hearts in the shape of a fist and pledged their loyalty to me right then and there. I felt tears well in my eyes but I forced them back.

“Load up.” Gabriel said and they all filed into the SUVs.

Godric and Griffin came over to me and I shook my head,

“Don’t say goodbye.” I warned them and they took me into their arms,

“It’s not goodbye, angel. We’ll see you in two days, tops. I love you.” Griffin said, kissing me deeply.

“I love you, Griffin.”

I moved into Godric’s arms and he took my face in his hands,

“I love you, precious. I’ll see you soon.” He covered my mouth with his in a passionate kiss.

“I love you, Godric.”

And with that they disappeared into two different SUVs and were gone. I watched until the last black car was out of sight and it felt like ⅔ of my heart had just driven off with them. The last third of my heart wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

“They’ll be fine, little mate, I promise.” Gabriel kissed my neck and then twirled me around, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me inside the packhouse.

“I have an idea, baby. Why don’t we get the girls and go shopping tomorrow? I know Matti could use the distraction, too.” Gabriel suggested once we entered the kitchen, getting ready for dinner.

“You want to leave the packgrounds?” I was surprised he would want me out of the safety of his pack.

“Waylon gathered up a Luna guard so we’ll take them with us and you’ll have me, Waylon, and Cambridge. You’ll be perfectly safe, my love. But, we don’t have to if you don’t feel comfortable.” He pulled out the chair at the head of the table and helped me sit.

I thought it was strange the first time the brothers sat me at the head of the table. Then, I realized that it was probably because none of them wanted to take it over their brother so they decided just to concede it to their Luna.

“I think it’s a good idea if you do.” I said, reaching across the table for his hand once he sat down. I had a need to be as close to him as possible, especially with the other two being gone.

“What’s a good idea?” Annie asked.

She came skipping into the room with Cambridge at her side. Kori and Waylon entered next, then Matti who definitely seemed upset. Nova, Alaska, Sammy, and Wade arrived last. I noticed that Deale was missing and wondered how he was dealing with Callie being gone.

“A shopping trip tomorrow.” I said and her face lit up.

“That’s perfect! And a good distraction, right, Matti?” She glanced at Matti and offered her a sweet smile. Matti just nodded,

“Yeah, sure.” She sounded sad but she faked a smile anyway.

“I’m in.” Nova agreed and Alaska chuckled at her reaction,

“Of course you are, my little shopaholic.” He smirked.

“Me too.” Kori said, “How about you, Sammy?”

Sammy smiled at being invited,

“Yes, please!”

“Waylon, Cam, of course you’re coming for protection. Alaska, Wade, you’re also welcome to come along. We’ll have the Luna guard with us as well.” Gabriel declared.

“Us?” Annie cocked an eyebrow.

“You don’t think I’d let her leave without me, do you?” He said to Annie,

“Oh of course not, Alpha Gabriel.” Annie mocked him.

“I’ll go.” Wade said and Alaska nodded as well,

“Me too.”

“It’s a date, then!” Annie squealed, looking excited.

Dinner was delivered then and we all ate in comfortable silence. I looked over at Matti and felt her pain, so when we were both finished, I excused myself and asked Matti to come with me. I took her into the living room and gave her a big hug.

“You okay?” I asked and she sniffed, shaking her head.

“I know I’m a Beta Female and I’m supposed to be brave for Am, but it’s just so hard being away from him.” She was crying now and I was rubbing her back in slow circles.

“I know somewhat how you feel. From what I understand, the bond is stronger once you’re marked and I’d imagine that being away from them gets harder then, too. I just know that I miss Griffin and Godric so much that it hurts, and I’m so worried about them.” I tried to comfort her with emotions and feelings that I didn’t even understand myself.

Matti sniffed again and pulled away, smiling softly at me.

“Anyone whose mate isn’t near them feels the same pain, Harlie, no one has it worse than someone else. We miss our mates terribly because they’ve taken a piece of our heart with them, mark or no mark. I’m sad about them being gone, but I’m happy to hear that the Alphas have someone to love and miss them as much as you do.” Matti squeezed my hands tightly.

“I do love them.” I said, surprising us both, “It just dawned on me last night and I felt stupid for taking so long to confess it.”

“Love is like a hurricane. It comes crashing into your life and you don’t realize its impact until you’re in the eye of the storm. However long it took you to discover your feelings, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know it now and you’ve told them.” She assured me.

“Stay with me tonight, Matti. You shouldn’t be alone and I could use the company. We can have a sleepover.” I grinned in excitement.

“Are you sure, Harlie? I don’t want to get between Gabe and you?” She looked worried.

“Oh, no, he’ll be fine,” I scoffed, waving my hand dismissively, “You’re sleeping here.” It was no longer a request. Matti grinned and nodded, giving me another quick hug,

“Yes, Luna.” She said in a teasing tone.

Matti and I walked out of the living room hand in hand, and Gabriel intercepted us in the hallway.

“Matti and I are having a sleepover tonight. We’ll entertain the kids, too.” I informed Gabriel. He looked disappointed for a second but then quickly changed his face,

“That sounds like a great idea.” He grinned.

“Thanks, Gabe.” Matti smiled at him and he squeezed her arm in response.

“You’ll let me know when you hear from Griffin and Godric?” I said to Gabriel.

“Of course, my love.” He cupped my face and planted a quick kiss on my lips, “How about I have Amanda make up some snacks to send up a little later?” He suggested and I smiled widely at him, reaching up on my tippy toes to give him another kiss,

“You’re the best.”

“Aren’t I?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed.

“Come on.” I grabbed Matti, who was looking a little stunned, and dragged her into the elevator. I punched in the code to our floor and the elevator started to hum as it moved upwards.

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