0°Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart
0°Celsius: Chapter 23

Burning in fire of jealousy.

Tears got dried after pleading for so long.

Wrists had red marks after struggling for so long.

Her chest was heavily moving up and down as she laid on the bed.




Her lips wanted to scream, to plead but all that come out of them were silent rough gasps.

Gasps for more air.

Gasps for calming her chaotic insides.

Beads of sweat lingered on her forehead.

Dropping down on the pillow along with her salty tears.

He didn’t help her.

He stayed in the shadows seeing it all but not doing anything.

He wanted to but couldn’t.

He was dying piece by piece by doing this to her.

By seeing her in such a state.

But he couldn’t step in.

15 minutes were still left for this madness to end.

His eyes kept shifting between the clock and her face.

The way the creases appeared on her forehead as her head moved right and left made him desperate.

Desperate to hold her and tell her she is safe.

But then something unexpected happened.

She smiled.

She smiled as if she saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

She stopped her struggles.

She let her creases erase away.

He didn’t know what she saw but her calmness calmed him.

He sat back on his chair and dialled the kitchen counter and asked them to bring her food.

As the clock struck he moved towards her and unlocked her chains.


He whispered afraid to scare her with high tone.

As soon as he placed his hands on her cheeks and tried to wake her she again smiled with eyes still closed.

Now Alessandro really wanted to know what she was seeing.

What was so powerful that it destroyed her fear.

Next he knew she engulfed him in a hug and placed her head on his shoulder .

He was confused.

He expected her to kill him because of what he did but she was doing the opposite.

He guessed that maybe she is still in her sleep but he was wrong.

‘Andro….I saw you ….you were there offering me your hand….while those dark voiced pulled .me down…you helped me……’

He pulled back from her to see her staring directly at him.

‘You are not mad at me..?’

He asked.

Instead she smiled and replied…


She coughed and he placed the glass of water on her lips.

‘First drink this.’

He ordered.

She finished and he wiped the water and sweat with the hand towel in his hands.

‘First I wanted to kill you…those voices they came ..but I couldn’t move back because I was tied….they came very near…but they couldn’t touch me…..they were an illusion…an illusion in the dark….I screamed at them.

..I screamed at them that I was not weak and they were all lies…they laughed and I didn’t run from them….then you came….you offered me your hand….I couldn’t take your hand because I was tied but you didn’t leave me…instead you said that nothing was real except you and that was it…..all the darkness disappeared…all the voices became silent and you held me in your arms ..you hugged me ….Andro…you hugged me and all my fears ….they just….they disappeared…..’

He was speechless, delighted, euphoric.

He couldn’t say.

He just stared at her happy eyes and again engulfed her.

She felt so happy…

She started jumping on the bed like crazy.

She started twirling around on the floor.

Her happiness had no end.

And seeing her like this a tear managed to escape his eyes.

It has been years since he saw her so happy.

But he knew this was just the beginning.

This was one fear and she had many.

And he was determined to root out each and every one out of her system.

Her excited self calmed down and her eyes fell on the silver chains.

She held the chains in her hands and a tear escaped her eyes.

‘I thought you tied me down but who knew you would break me to my freedom..’

She said staring at the chains and fell down on the ground clutching to them.

He moved towards her and picked her up taking away the chains from her hands.

‘When you have no fear nothing can stop you…not even these chains…and you my dear were born to be fearless.’

With this he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and they stayed in each others embrace.

He was so happy that she was improving.

She was overcoming her fears and trying to live again with each passing day.

But all these improvements were gone with a single happening.

A single event that turned all his hopes to ashes.

A day which started as bright as every other day.

But ended burning all his hopes all along.

They were going to his associates party.

It demanded a partner and he was going to ask Andrea to be his partner.

But as soon as Sapphire’s eyes fell on the invitation card.

She refused for me to take anyone along except for her.

She was adamant to go.

I didn’t wanted to take away that smile from her face and I agreed.

I was not sure if she is ready to go in such a big gathering.

If she could behave normal there.

But I decided to put aside my fears and trust her.

The doctors words made me trust her.

‘She is improving…I think there is hope.’

Were the words he spoke when last we met.

I was waiting outside in the car when she decided to show herself.

I swear I forgot to breathe for a second.

Beautiful was a small world.

She looked like an angel.

With the white dress hugging her perfect figure perfectly.

It didn’t showed much skin and it was perfectly elegant.

She looked like a nervous wreck.

Something which made me remember our first meeting at the café

A smile automatically came on my lips as my eyes refused to look away from her.

Her hands kept moving here and there….

Either setting her hair or rubbing her palms on her dress.

Her eyes were looking at everything except my eyes and I could see her shaking her leg with anxiety.


I asked for her confirmation as I started the ignition of my Bugatti.

She nervously nodded playing with the fabric of her dress in her lap.


I called her attention as she looked to distracted by her own thoughts.


She whispered still not giving me her full attention.

I held her face in my palms and made her look into my eyes.

‘You will be fine…no one will hurt you there…I will be there with you…okay?’

Her eyes looked lost but she gulped and nodded.

‘And one thing more….you look absolutely stunning today love.’

Her eyes widened with shock and I could feel the heat of her blush on my palms


‘Yes…more beautiful than you will ever know.’

With this she again smiled and my heart did a summersault.

Man this girl will be the end of me I thought.

We arrived to see a big poolside party with slow music going on and all my business association present there with their partners.

I directly went to Sam and his wife to congratulate him on his success and for thanking him for inviting us today.

As we walked with Sapphire’s hands interlinked with mine I caught a lot of people staring at us.

I was used to girls giving me those looks but what bothered me were the stare that landed on the angel beside me.

She refused to even look at them keeping her eyes grounded while I held my head high staring back at all of them.

‘Hey man congrats!!’

I said side hugging Sam and handing him over the bouquet of flowers.

His wife gave me a sweet smile and I greeted her.

Saph also congratulated them and passed them a sweet smile.

The party progressed and I had to talk to some associates as Saph seated her self in a corner away from everyone’s eyes.

I kept checking up on her again and again to make sure she was fine.

I got busy talking about business and didn’t realise when she left the safe corner of hers.

‘Sapphire is really a keeper man, and I thought you would never settle down..’

‘Renolds you should stop focussing on me and try find yourself a girl…I bet Andrea would be happy to see her brother finally settling down with one girl…’

‘I must admit Alex you are right but just look around man!

Do you see a genuine girl around here who is willing to love and not just Fu**’

They are too much trouble and I am better single…’

‘Alex…so did Aunty tried to contact you?…I mean it’s been around 7 months now’

Sadness filled my heart on hearing about my mother.

‘No…she hasn’t…till Saph lives in my house she said she won’t enter…’

‘It must be really tough…I know she cares a lot for you…but why can’t she just accept Saph..’

‘Rey please let’s drop this topic I have enough on my plate already…’

‘Enough on your plate….I guess that new girl Stacey has covered half of that plate..’

I smiled agreeing with him.

Call the devil and there she was.

‘Hi baby I have been searching for you since so long…’

Came Stacey wearing a bright red dress with matching red lipstick.

She welcomed me with a kiss on my cheek and I made a disgusted face behind and Ray laughed seeing my reaction.

She completely ignored Reynolds presence next to me and continued seducing me like she always does.

I bet she has no self respect.

The only reason I bear with it is because who her father was.

He had a lot of power being the governor of the state and she was a daddy’s spoiled girl.

‘Stacey if you haven’t noticed I am here with my girlfriend …she would mind if you continue this….’

I said referring to the way she was nearly throwing and rubbing her body on me.

‘Oh should I be concerned Alessandro because last time I checked you were single?’

She asked with mischief clear in her eyes

‘I just never told anyone about her that’s all…but she is everything now…I hope you understand that I am a taken man…’

‘What bullsh** Alessandro…she needs to compete with me if she wants you…’

I signed while Reynold enjoyed the show.

What Competition…when I was not a bit interested in her.

‘Is it that insane charity case girl you are taking care of these days… don’t tell you love her now!!’

She asked while rolling her eyes and flickering her fake eyelashes.

I wanted to murder this girl.

I clenched my fist and Rey realised my anger.

‘Stacey hey…I hate to disturb you but Sam said he wanted to talk to you about something….he is there calling for you….’

He took Stacey away not before her winking at me and kissing my cheek again.

As she turned her back I rubbed my cheeks with the napkin and tried to calm myself.

Some more men joined and we continued to do some business while enjoying.

The next time my eyes fell on the place she was sitting earlier my heartbeat sky rocketed.

Where was she?

I excused myself and tried finding her but this place was too big and too packed up with people to find a person.

My question was answered when I looked at a commotion near the pool.

As I made my way towards the pool I found people staring at me and clearing my path.

Strange what did I do?

The loud voiced froze my steps.

I didn’t had to go ahead to see who were fighting..

‘You disgusting bi*** …I will kill you I swear!!’

Next a coughing sound was heard and everyone froze.

My Saph was an angel

She never swears let alone talk like this with someone.

There must me a mistake.

She can’t do this!

I reached the poolside.

Her back was on me while on her feet was Stacey coughing continuously.

She crouched down on Stacey’s level and held her hands in her

‘You dare touch him and I will break these disgusting fingers one by one!! You hear me!!’

Stacey barely nodded as Saph stood at her full height looking down on her.

No one interfered and instead they were filming the drama playing in the party.

I have never seen Saph like this

Hell she was a nervous wreck before we came.

How come she got so daring.

I thought maybe Stacey will hurt her but roles got reversed.

The red marks on Stacey neck made me worry for her.

She sure was a bitch but no one deserved this kind of humiliation and hatred.

Gone was her confidence and attitude.

She was a crying mess at Sapphire’s feet.

I moved ahead to stop this drama.

But before I could Sapphire’s action made me hate my angel.

They made me hate my Sapphire.

‘He is mine!! Only mine !! You better not look at him again!’

With this Sapphire pushed Stacey’s already trembling body into the pool.

People gasped and Sapphire smiled with contend.

But as soon as her eyes landed on my angry ones her smile disappeared.

Gone was the cynical smile and instead her eyes changed from evil to innocence.

Her eyes pleaded for sympathy while mine only radiated anger and disappointment.

How could she do this ?

How could she hate Stacey so much.

I know she was jealous.

But to this extent that she was willing to kill Stacey for it.

Where did her kindness go.

Where did the girl go with whom I fell in love with.

My thoughts got interrupted when I saw Stacey struggling in the pool to remain at surface.

Realisation came upon me when I realised that she couldn’t swim.

Without wasting a second I dived into the depths of water to save her.

As soon as I held her in my arms I looked at how broken she was.

Her nose was bleeding and her neck had bruises.

She gasped for air as I tried pumping the water out of her system.

Her head laid on my knees as my eyes were desperate for her safety.

Please be fine! Please be fine Stacey!

I kept pleading.

I felt a presence next to me and when I looked up I saw Sapphire looking at me with anger.

She started pulling my arms away from Stacey.

Asking me not to touch her.

My patience crossed it’s limits.

I snapped at her pushed her back making her land on her back.

‘Will you stop this fucking possessive shit Sapphire!!! Can’t you see she is dying out here!! Can’t you see she is not breathing properly!!’

As I spoke these words she stopped and just stared at the unconscious girl in my lap.

I ordered Rey to take Sapphire home.

She became silent after that and I picked Stacey up and moved towards the guest room screaming at Sam to call the doctor.

I rubbed her cold hands while others rubbed her cold feet.

I saw her fingers moving and I knew she will be fine.

She opened up her eyes and started coughing immediately.

The doctor came and gave some medicines.

He checked her eyes and her pulse and asked us not to worry.

Hours passed and her bodyguards didn’t leave her for a second.

They had informed the governor and he was on his way.

He will not leave Sapphire.

He will sue her for even laying her finger on her precious daughter.

Stacey was staring at me and I passed her a small smile.

‘How are you feeling now..?’


I nodded and held her hand

‘I am really sorry Stacey…Saph is not stable…she didn’t know what she was doing…I am really sorry from her side…’

She held my hand with her other.

‘Don’t… Worry….I should have not provoked her…I should have known she is not stable…it was my mistake as well…’

I nodded surprised at her kind behaviour.

I thought she didn’t had a bone of kindness in her body but I was wrong.

People may surprise you…

‘And also dad will not sue her don’t worry…’

I never knew she understood my worries but I was thankful of her.

As I made my way out of her room I was welcomed by Reynolds.

‘Where is she?’

My anger was not going to cool down until I teach her a lesson.

Her illness excuse can not save her every time.

‘Alex please calm down! She is already very scared. She said she is sorry-‘

‘Good she should be scared for I am not going to leave her ……she would be sorry after I am done with her psychotic ways!’

‘I asked you where is she?’

‘Eh…I…I drived her home…but please listen to me Alex she didn’t know what she was doing….’

‘So what Rey?? She can’t bloody kill a person just because the girl was touching me and she was jealous!!’

‘I know that it was wrong …but-‘

‘Just shut it Rey let me deal with her my way..’

With this I ignited the engine and made my way home.

I am coming Sapphire and you better expect the worse I am done being patient and good with you.

You forced me to bring out this monster ,now you better learn to face it as well.

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